Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Opinions on if we should blog

At the moment there is a debate going on at the Ministry of Education about whether to blog or not to blog.
I think blogging is a good idea because it gives us a chance to showcase our work in a different environment and because we get to share our work with other people.

If you have any opinions on why we should blog or not blog please leave them here.


  1. I agree with you and I think we should blog. Like if you missed out a day at school you could go on the class blog and see what they were learning that day then do some research into that topic.
    p.s i love your cool as blog

  2. i think we should blog becuse it is fun and it is also a great learning experience

  3. Yea, I agree with everyone. I also think it is great to blog because with a class blog if the teacher shares his teaching ideas other teachers that see it can use that teaching method to.

    Blogging is a useful way to learn.
