Friday, September 4, 2009

Survey For T3 Topic

Here is my survey for my product that I will be presenting at the trade fair in wk 10.
If you would like to have your say in my survey please put the number of the question and response to the question in your comment!

1. Do your arms get tired when you read from holding up your book?

2. Would you buy a product that would hold your book while you read?

3. How much would you pay for it?

4. Do you have any ideas for a name for the product?

5. What colours do you suggest?



  1. Welcome, Little Miss, to the student blogging challenge.

    To make it easier for me when visiting your blog, can you make sure you have the widget for recent comments in your sidebar?

    To make it easier for YOU to find out the weekly challenges, perhaps having my class blog URL in your blogroll would be helpful.

    I hope you enjoy the challenges and feel free to leave any questions on the page where I will leave an answer within a couple of days.

  2. that is such a cool invention!
    1. yes
    2. yes
    3. $25.00
    4. no sorry
    5. green, purple

  3. Yeah, I agree!
    1) Yes
    2) Yes
    3) $20-30
    4) No
    5) Black, whhite and maybe silver.
    I hope your idea turns out great!

  4. Excellent work LittleMissRm18. I will try to answer your questions thoughtfully.
    Glow in the dark paint might be useful :-)
